Monday, April 23, 2012

Is Smoking Haram in Islam ????

Is Smoking Haram in Islam ????

Many Muslims regard smoking as MAKROOH (disliked) by the Shariah but not HARAAM ( forbidden). Whenever advice is given in this regard they choose to ignore it. Though people know the evil effects of smoking, it seems that Shaytaan and their nafs wants them to continue wasting their money and cause harm to their bodies and HEALTH.

Certainly, Cigarettes were not present during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.), however rulings AND GUIDELINES with regards to similar substances are present in the two Revelations: the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah.(hadith)
As a rule, the Qur’aan forbids every thing that is evil. As Allah says:
“”He (the Prophet Muhammed) allows them all that is good and lawful, and prohibits them as unlawful all that is evil.”” {Surah al-Ar’’af (7): 157}
Evil and sin manifests itself in things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, drinks, etc. So, If it is proved that smoking is among the evil, this is in itself enough for the Believers to realize that smoking is forbidden, in the light of the above stated verse of Soorah al-Ar’’af.
1. Smoking is a Killer:
It causes diseases like lung cancer, tuberculosis and heart diseases (just to mention a few). And we know that Allah forbids us from killing ourselves.
As He says: “”And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you. And whoever commits that through aggression and injustice, We shall cast him into the Fire and that is easy for Allah”” {Surah an-Nisaa’’ (4): 29}
Allah also says:
“”And do not throw yourselves into destruction.”” {Surah al-Baqarah (2):195
2. Smoking burns(waste) wealth:
And Allah says: “”But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the devils.” {Surah al-Israa’’ (17) 26-27}
Do we not see the Muslims who smoke? Those who hold on to every cent , only to burn all of it in cigerettes! ……. Subhaan Allaah, along with their health, waste on top of waste. (Health and money.)
3. Smoking inflicts harm on non-smokers:
The Messenger of Allah said: “”There should be neither harming, nor reciprocating harm.””
{Saheeh al-Jaami # 7517}
Many people encounter breathing problems when they accidentally inhale smoke from someone’’s pipe or cigerette, especially people suffering from bronchial asthma. It is also proved medically that non-smokers are harmed when in the company of smokers (i.e. passive smoking). The smoking of parents has been linked to respiratory problems in children and crib death. It is also the cause of many devastating fires.
4. Smoking causes the spread of sin and evil:
Since smoking is evil, Muslims who smoke should remember that they set a bad example on others when they smoke openly, encouraging young children AND OTHERS to smoke.
5. Smoking effects worship:
Many smokers dislike fasting and sitting in Islamic study circles, LECTURES, because they constantly crave cigarettes. The smoker is an addict, both physically and psychologically.
6. Smoking makes the smoker and surrounding smell bad:
Everything that a smoker comes in contact with smell of cigarettes; His car, clothes, home, etc. Therefore, when a smoker prays in congregation he hurts his fellow humans with his smell as well as the angels,
as the Messenger of Allaah said:
“”Whoever has eaten from such greens as garlic, onions or leek should keep away from our mosque. Truly, the angels are harmed by what harms the offspring of Aadam.””Saheeh al-Bukhari
The above points constitute clear evidence that smoking is evil, and is therefore Haraam (unlawful). If a Muslim is under any kind of stress, then he must turn to Allaah for help. Even medical science has rejected outright, the myth that smoking calms the nerves. What we know for sure, is that the rememberence of Allaah is healing, as Allaah says:
“”Verily in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find tranquility.”” {Soorah ar-Raad (13):28}
So when the urge for smoking arises, resort to the Qur’aan and strive to comply with Allaah’’s commandments.
“”Those who strive hard in Our Cause, We will surely guide them to Our Paths.”” {Soorah al-Ankabut (29):69
To Quit Smoking
One can use the following measures/guidance while relying on Allah, seeking His help and guidance ,to quit smoking.
1. Try to remember that you want to gain the pleasure of Allah. Throw away all leftover cigarettes ,remember you have made a firm intention not to smoke.
2. Minimize contact with smokers (this being the most important step).
3.Try to minimize drinking , ESPECIALLY drinks that become mentally related to smoking like coffee, tea, (CAFFEINE), CORDENE ,ETC.
4. Whenever there is an urge to smoke, try to make yourself busy with something else, especially activities that keep your hands busy.
5. Try not to accept a cigarette from anyone.
6. If the need be, Try not to finish smoking, the whole cigarette.
7. Drink a lot of water when you quit smoking. Dehydration is the main cause of the symptoms of withdrawal.
8. Increase the use of the miswaak.
9. Keep company of the pious , KEEP THE TONGUE BUSY WITH THE ZIKR OF ALLAH.
10. Make dua.
Chemicals on cigarettes—- > Acidic acid. Acetone, Ammonia. Arsenic. Cadmium. Carbon MonoxideDDT, Ethanol, Formiline. Hexamine. Hydrogen. Cyanide. MethyleneNicotine.

their heads like the swaying humps of camels

Abû Hurayrah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There are two categories among the inhabitants of Hell whom I have not encountered. The first are people who carry whips like the tails of cows and beat the people with them. The second are women, clothed yet naked, drawn to licentiousness and enticing others to it, their heads like the swaying humps of camels – they will neither enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance, though its fragrance can be found to a great distance.”
[Sahîh Muslim (2127)]


This comes from someone
Who works in the breast cancer unit at

Mt. Sinai Hospital , in Toronto ..

From: Dr. Nahid Neman

If there is a female you care anything about,
Share this with her.

I am also sharing this with everyone on my e-mail list,
Because males too need to tell the females THEY care about as well!

Recently a lipstick brand called 'Red Earth'
Decreased their prices from
$67 to $9.90.
It contained lead.
Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.
The lipstick brands that contain lead are:
RED EARTH (Lip Gloss)
CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)
The higher the lead content,
The greater the chance of causing cancer.
After doing a test on lipsticks,
It was found that the Y.S.L. Lipstick
Contained the most amount of lead.
Watch out for those lipsticks
Which are supposed to stay longer.
If your lipstick stays longer, it is
Because of the higher content of lead.

Here is the test you can do yourself:

1. Put some lipstick on your hand.
2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick colour changes to black,
Then you know the lipstick contains lead.

Please send this information to all your sisters,girlfriends, Wives and female family members.
This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre

X-Ray of foot in high heeled shoe.......!

X-Ray of foot in high heeled shoe.......!

just look at the physical stress that is placed on the joints ! It is very sad to see what people do to themselves "physically" in the name of fashion.
its harmful "morally" and also "physically" so STOP just coping blindly other fools... 2 lines of knowledge can make u more attractive than 2 inches of heel.
Avoid it, Ur health is more important .

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Teachers teach children to read, write, do math, and much more. They use games, videos, computers, and other tools to teach children different subjects.
Teachers show students skills. They also explain information. Teachers plan their lessons before they teach, which can take a lot of time.
Teachers try to make their lessons easy to understand. They teach things in different ways so that different students can learn in the way that is easiest for them. Teachers might use a chalkboard, a projector, or a computer. They make posters or worksheets before class starts. Teachers plan the schedule for the day. Most teachers have to teach what the principal tells them.
Teachers also assign homework and class projects. They often have students work together to do projects. When students are not doing as well as they should, teachers help them.
After class, teachers grade papers and projects. They also create tests. They write students' report cards. And they meet with parents to try to help their children do better in school. Teachers sometimes go to workshops to learn how to teach better. Some teachers also help with sports or other after-school activities.
Most kindergarten and elementary school teachers teach several subjects to one class. In some schools, two or more teachers work as a team. Other teachers teach one special subject, such as art, music, reading, or gym.
Most middle school and high school teachers focus on one subject. They might teach English, science, or history, for example. Some teach students how to do a job. High school teachers spend more time explaining a subject and less time with activities like games.
Teachers work with students of many different cultures. Some students were born in the United States, and some were not. Teachers learn about different cultures so that they can be more helpful to students.
Teachers like to see children learn. But sometimes teaching lots of students can be stressful. Teachers also have to deal with children who misbehave.
Many teachers work more than 40 hours a week. While most go on vacation during the summer, some choose to teach in summer school. Some take another job. Some go to college to learn more about teaching.